Learning self-defence through fun and games!

Krav Junior offers your child the opportunity to learn valuable life skills


Krav maga for kids is not the same as krav maga for adults. Kids and teens face different problems than adults, which are often related to subjects like bullying, developing motor skills, confidence, and daring to speak up.

KMG’s Krav Junior programme is specially designed to complement the Curriculum for Excellence that your child follows in school.  Krav Junior offers classes suitable for all children from the ages of 5 – 16 yrs, with separate age appropriate classes for different age groups.


In addition to learning age appropriate self-defence skills, your child will develop:

Confidence, Self Esteem, Social Skills, Discipline, Fitness, Leadership Skills, Team work Skills and Awareness and Prevention

And all while having FUN!


Aberdeen: https://www.facebook.com/kravjunioraberdeen/ or http://www.eastcoastkravmaga.co.uk/

Dundee: http://www.eastcoastkravmaga.co.uk/krav-junior-dundee.html

Glasgow Southside: https://www.tacticaldefence.co.uk/krav-juniors/

Greenock: https://www.tacticaldefence.co.uk/krav-juniors/

Hamilton: http://www.skmakravmaga.co.uk/krav-juniors.html

Largs: https://www.tacticaldefence.co.uk/krav-juniors/